Moose Facts

  • An adult moose can average 1,000 -1,500 pounds, stand 6 to 7 feet at their shoulder and can be 8 – 9 feet in length. It is the largest land mammal in New Hampshire.
  • Moose are near- sighted but have a keen sense of smell and hearing.
  • Their front legs are longer than their hind legs, allowing them to maneuver over large obstacles in the woods.
  • Male moose or “Bulls” have a dark brown / black muzzle, while the female moose or “Cows” have a light brown muzzle.
  • Only Bulls grow antlers. Bulls grow a new set every spring and shed them in the winter. The new set of antlers will be larger than the year prior. Adult antlers may weigh as much as 40lbs.
  • The flap of skin / long hair that hangs from the throat is called the “Bell” and is more pronounced in adult bulls.
  • The life expectancy for moose is 10-12 years, although some may live for up to 20 years.
  • The breeding season, also called “the rut,” is in the fall, from mid-September to mid-October. Moose also become more aggressive during this time.
  • Calves are born in mid-May or early June and weigh just 20-30 pounds; by fall their weight will have increased to 300-400 pounds. Female moose are pregnant for 8 months.
  • Bear and Coyotes are predators on moose calves until the calves are old enough to outmaneuver them.
  • Moose are susceptible to a tiny parasite known as the brain worm, which they may die from. The parasite passes from the White-tailed deer feces to a snail, which the moose eat while feeding.
  • Moose also susceptible from severe infestations of winter ticks. A single moose can carry 10,000 to 120,000 ticks. Moose also die as a result of collisions with automobiles.
  • An adult moose can average 1,000 -1,500 pounds, stand 6 to 7 feet at their shoulder and can be 8 – 9 feet in length. It is the largest land mammal in New Hampshire.


We provide Moose Maps for self-guided tours at both hotel locations. If you prefer, take the Gorham Moose Tour shuttle where we sometimes allow visitors to disembark the bus and get a closer look at these beautiful animals. Our success rate historically runs in the 93% to 97% and in one tour we were fortunate to see 12 Moose! Our tours run from the end of May until the end of September in order to increase our chances of seeing our wonder friends, the Moose.

We provide Moose Maps for self-guided tours at both hotel locations. If you prefer, take the Gorham Moose Tour shuttle where we sometimes allow visitors to disembark the bus and get a closer look at these beautiful animals. More